Students and Young Adults are an integral part of the DCBC community. On Sunday mornings we attend the DCBC service, and usually meet for lunch afterwards. We also meet on Thursday evenings. Our vision is for YA to be a place where young adults are called, saved and transformed by Jesus Christ.
Sunday Lunches
Most weeks we converge at the home of an older member of the church who provides us with a scrummy lunch! This is a very social and relaxed time and provides plenty of opportunities to get to know the other young adults at DCBC. Transport will be provided (if required) - just come along on a Sunday morning and someone will tell you where we are going!
Need a lift to church?
We have a church van that picks people up from the University carpark at 9:40am, on the corner of Cumberland & St David St; by the big Uni sign, across from Good Earth Café.
YA Camps
We have several camps throughout the year. YA camps are an awesome way of getting to know other YAs and of drawing closer to God.
Thursday Nights
We meet at 6:15pm for dinner, $4 a head, upstairs at Stuart Hall, behind Knox Church on George St. Our first night of the year will be Thursday, 22nd February.