Young Workers Revelation Study Series

Inviting young workers to a five week exploration of Redemption songs in Revelation. This teaching series, led by Phillip Porter, will explore major theological themes in Revelation, through the lens of the songs sung before the throne of God and of the Lamb. It will be a mix of teaching, discussion, small group conversation and […]

Young Workers Revelation Study Series

Inviting young workers to a five week exploration of Redemption songs in Revelation. This teaching series, led by Phillip Porter, will explore major theological themes in Revelation, through the lens of the songs sung before the throne of God and of the Lamb. It will be a mix of teaching, discussion, small group conversation and […]

Young Workers Revelation Study Series

Inviting young workers to a five week exploration of Redemption songs in Revelation. This teaching series, led by Phillip Porter, will explore major theological themes in Revelation, through the lens of the songs sung before the throne of God and of the Lamb. It will be a mix of teaching, discussion, small group conversation and […]

Youth Group

Yup, that's right, no fancy name, no super-savvy acronym or flashy title -just a crazy bunch of awesome youth who love to spend time together and find out what it means to know God personally. Youth group (Years 9 - 13) meets every Wednesday night 7-9pm during the school term at Dunedin City Baptist Church, […]

Spring Fling!

Remember to come along to our Spring Fling this Saturday at church! Starting at 9:30am. Refreshments available and lollies for the kids. Our main task will be to clear grass from around each individual native tree, on and near our special Prayer Walk Track and spread mulch around them. What to bring: gloves, gumboots, fork/trowel, […]

Young Adults

Knox Church 449 George Street, Dunedin, New Zealand

Students and Young Adults are an integral part of the DCBC community. On Sunday mornings we attend the DCBC service, and usually meet for lunch afterwards. We also meet on Thursday evenings. Our vision is for YA to be a place where young adults are called, saved and transformed by Jesus Christ. Sunday Lunches Most […]
